Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Liberal Crook in Twilight Land

Our favorite British whipping boy has really done something with himself. A prime beneficiary of Oil for Food, and darling of the left in his criticism of the Iraq War, George Galloway has now joined in the celebrity edition of Big Brother, a top rated UK reality television show. Ever the one for antics, George gets on the floor and mimics a cat (warning: the transcript will churn your tum). However, the part to note in this story is the apparent censorship of Georgie's political comments by the producers. Yes, they feel that his rhetoric, if un-defended by a different perspective, violates broadcast rules! Hopefully, curiosity will kill the cat. Oh, and a side note, his lib comrades in Parliament are ticked, and petitioning to get him back to work. Yep, you heard correctly, Parliament is in session, but Georgie is elsewhere. Not to worry, he has promised to refund to the taxpayers that portion of his salary due him while away. Has not yet promised to refund his oil for food millions however.


Anonymous said...

What is the meaning of 'inflamitory'? Did you spell this wrong for any reason or do you just not know how to spell the word properly?

Carlos DelFuego said...

Dear anonymous:

Much like a rectory, the inflamitory is a nice little spot for rhetorical flame wars. If I spelled it correctly, it would attract the attention of those looking for aspirin and glucosamine. And like the Indian basket weaver who leaves one mistake in a perfect piece so as to not offend the Great Spirit, I too must bear this humility...