Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Disgusting Mentality in Central American Governments

I will make it quick. The absolutely disgusting behavior by our neighbors to the south is only matched by our own governments total disregard for the citizens of this country. In a recent conference among Central American Leaders the attitude communicated showed how sickening this situation about immigration has become. A quote from the article:

"Migrants, regardless of their migratory status, should not be treated like criminals..."

I'm about to snap on this one. Who the hell are these people? Criminals are criminals! They break our laws, that makes them criminals! You're own Central American governments are corrupted, the society is full of class separation, and there is little effort to reform, and all you can do is complain that the US treats your illicit source of cash with the contempt it deserves? Close the borders now! I don't care if lettuce cost six dollars a head and people will have to clean their own houses. Close the damn border!

Now for those who are thinking I have gone harsh, get a clue! Alternatively, I would not be opposed to increased legal immigration from Central American Countries. But this supreme lie is a travesty. We pay for the education, health, and welfare of hundreds of thousands of people who do not deserve to be here. And more are coming every day, instead of less! What incredible hypocrites our government has become. Messages of increased security, no tolerance, and vigorous enforcement have become punchlines for a twisted comedy. Add to this dark humor the idiots to the south who refuse reform, and you have the makings of a true B-rated straight to video special. Unfortunately, the well meaning, compassionate, and law abiding legal residents in this country are forced to buy and watch the drivel.

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