Well, it has become a strange world, as many have seen. I am surprised on a daily basis, but with this next exchange, my incredulity meter pegs. This all begins with the Administrations recent victory regarding terrorist detentions.
Re the latest appellate court ruling...
Does that mean, just for example, that if, say Italy, were to scoop up an American CIA agent from somewhere, say in Italy, or Germany, or maybe the US, that Italy could then lawfully hold that person without charge for any length of time, without legal representation, hold a secret military trial, and then execute that person, and the US could do nothing about it. After all, but US law, that process is 'legal'. A most interesting precedent. Hope to hell I never get arrested in France and declared an enemy combatant! Does this also apply to American 'military' personnel 'detained' while engaged in 'terrorist' activities in, oh, Iraq? The spinning noise you hear are the 'Founding Fathers' in their collective graves...
Nice sentiment for the troops! Well, I got a bit testy in my response to this, but approached one aspect quite creatively (in my own mind):
BS, your full o'shit again. They are freaking spies! Every country has them, and ways to deal with them. You want to make a construction to denigrate the US and its activities. Your not interested in what the founding fathers would really think. Get real. If any spy gets caught breaking the law of another country, which happens often enough, they are not paraded around in a publicity hounding kangaroo court. We generally deport them, or try them, or try them in abstentia. If Italy wants to start a covert war on US spies, they would not be serving their national interest, hence they don't. I think your safe while traveling, unless you all the sudden convert to Islam and travel to nefarious areas. Unless of course, you have taken too many blue pills, and now view yourself as a terrorist. Some of your ilk think so, anyone buying gasoline is a supporter of the great terrorist Bush and should be tried. Seen a bunch of Shinto suicide bombers lately? Seen any Catholic car bombs lately? How about Sicilians blowing up marketplaces? No? Haven't seen any? I think in your new definition of terrorism we should include liberal political activism as a mental terrorization of a peaceful traditional culture. We're all terrorists now, hoho hoho... Dense, brainless, and not unexpected from the amoral left.
You are correct that some things are legal. Good thing we have tools to deal with modern terrorist organizations. Thank goodness there have been no new attacks on US soil do to the diligent work of our nations finest! Yes, grind on that for a while. So, been to any secret military trials or executions lately?
That has probably got a bit of emotional twist, more than I usually let slip, but it is starting to grate on my nerves when people denigrate our finest citizens, and especially accuse such of being 'terrorist' in some stupid liberal redefinition. But the followup gets even better:
I take it that you don't actually have to PROVE anything, the accusation is sufficient to convict. You do talk about Muslims in what is quite a racist way, you know. Do you ever wonder WHY they have turned to suicide bombings?
Ok, at this point your sense of decorum dries up, no? But, this is the way these people think. It is wrong, contorted, and extremely bad for this nation, but we have to deal with it somehow. See if I remained steady:
What? I talk about Muslims in a racist way? Never thought you would sink down that road, interesting. So which statement elicited that liberal stock accusation? Hmm, you think its racist to actively look for recent converts to Islam that travel to nefarious areas? If so, I can't help you, you've lost reason, objectivity, and mental discourse to the parade of emotional inanity that is modern liberalism. If anything, I step on all these other examples, that if you will notice, historically have done the acts attributed. At this time, however, the overwhelming primary source of terrorism does not come from radicals in those groups. It comes from one clearly identifiable source... Oh, wait, you can't see that cause WE are the bad guys, WE are the instigators of terror. Unbelievable. How many little blue pills does it take to get there? Furthermore, it would be religious bigotry, not racism. Although, I don't believe I crossed the bigot line. If you reread, I was pretty careful, unlike some others and their statements about Christianity. In fact, you could say it's the one accepted form of religious bigotry today, as practice by many liberals, yourself included at times. Again, I'm shocked at how infected you have become. Modern liberalism is a mind numbing virus..
Now, this is very funny:
"I take it that you don't actually have to PROVE anything, the accusation is sufficient to convict."
Don't expose liberals favorite tactics so quickly! Have you not convicted the US of systematic torture, rendition, terror based solely on accusation? HMMMM? Unbelievable! Your proof is in your leftist controlled socialist propaganda spewing media? Please, trite statements like this don't facilitate dialog well. What makes this even more amusing is the release of the E.U.'s report on rendition and secret prisons. Yes, they 'condemn' the practise, yet find no proof of any member states involvement in secret prisons. Idiots all. Of course the rendition 'travesty' is still on the table for nutters to foment over. If only they would spend as much time actually fighting the looming threat of Islamic Radicalism...
Finally, yes I have considered why they have turned to suicide bombings. Pure evil. Pure hatred. Pure culture of destruction. And we should fight it. Eradicate and crush it, exiled to a ignoble place in history with similar evil philosophies. We are not talking about throwing off the Kings rule here... This is fueled by a philosophy that does not value life, and intends to conquer with the blade. Of course all statements are in reference to Radical Islamist particularly, then the Arab Muslim community as a unconscious/conscious facilitator. In no way is the whole Islamic world implicated, yet at the same time, they tend to poll sympathetic with radical elements, and may find that the particular form of radicalism at this stage is beginning to infect otherwise peaceful communities. Many examples exist of this occurring, yet few examples exist of any large scale anti radical stance in the Muslim world. Ignorance is complicity.
Well, that concludes today's installment. I am still shocked at how far liberals have gone to thwart our great country, and it doesn't seem they are turning around...